Dog grooming insurance

Whether you’re thinking of starting a professional company with the hopes of turning it into a career, or simply want to earn a few extra bucks next summer, starting a dog walking business is a great idea. For starters, the United States is the most popular country of residence for dogs. There are currently 403,760 dogs registered here. California has by far the greatest amount in terms of states (52,051), while Texas and Florida round out the top three respectively (31,011 and 23,116).

Even if you don’t live in one of these states, chances are there are a great deal of busy dog owners whose pets could use a little extra exercise and attention. If this job sounds appealing to you there is one thing you need to consider having before you get started: Dog walking insurance. Here are three reasons dog walkers insurance is a crucial aspect of the industry.

  1. Property Damage: One of the most common problems you’re sure to run into after starting a dog walking business is inevitably property damage of some kind. Accidentally knocking over an expensive piece of porcelain, or loosing a leash only to watch a dog tear up a neighbors elaborate Christmas decorations for example could end up costing you out-of-pocket without proper dog walker insurance.
  2. Physical Attack: Probably what most people think of when they first hear about dog walking insurance is this particular reason. As much as most people like to believe their adorable furry companion is incapable of violence, the fact of the matter is it happens.

    It could be from a perceived attack by a stranger reaching for a surprise pet, or loosing the leash again, but either way physical damage to a human (or other animal even) can be a very costly incident. Without dog walking insurance you could be liable to pay for any resulting medical bills and possibly more if the victim decides to pursue legal action.
  3. Great Cost-to-Benefit Value: Most of the time people pass on things like insurance in general is because they don’t think there’s enough value in it. However, due to a typically low cost this kind of insurance has a great return on investment as it can save you potentially thousands from the aforementioned incidents while only costing one or two hundred dollars.

Total U.S. pet industry expenditures amounted to $58.51 billion in 2015. It’s unclear just how much of that stemmed from issues that could have been covered by insurance, but if you’re thinking about starting a dog walking business it’s best to adhere to the age old saying: Better to be safe than sorry. Because sorry just doesn’t cut it when you’re dealing with the aftermath of something like a vicious dog bite.

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