When you’re looking for farmers insurance, you need someone who understands both farming and insurance. A locally based insurance company has the home turf advantage, with local insurance agents who understand your concerns and the significance of multi-peril crop, crop hail, agri-business and crop insurance.
One stop for all insurance needs
It doesn’t stop with farmers insurance, of course. When you find an insurance agency you can trust, it makes sense to meet all your insurance needs in one place. These can include:
- Farm and Ranch Insurance
- Auto Insurance
- Homeowners Insurance
- Renters Insurance
- Personal Property Insurance
- Watercraft Insurance
- Business Owners Insurance
- Commercial / Commercial Auto / Brokerage
- Life Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Long Term Care Insurance
- Medicare Supplemental Insurance
- Workplace Supplemental Benefits
A farmers insurance company provides protection and security to families, farms and businesses. Understanding and meeting the needs of homeowners, farmers, ranchers, contractors and small businesses, whether they come from rural areas or small towns or large cities.
Life insurance: the growing gap
Life insurance is an important part of your financial planning to secure your family’s financial future. And yet, the number of Americans who have life insurance has been decreasing steadily. And even among those who have life insurance, 40% feel they don’t have enough coverage.
In 2010, only % 44 percent of U.S. households reported having individual life insurance. This figure is a 50-year low, down from 72% in 1960 and 55% in 1992.
People in general are aware of the importance of life insurance and 85% of consumers agree that most people need life insurance. But only 62% say that they have life insurance policies. The large number of uninsured Americans does not speak well for their faith in the future or belief in their ability to provide for their children. Yet life insurance is easily affordable and can prove to be a lifeline in case of any untoward incidents.
A local, reliable insurance agency can advise you on all insurance needs, from crops to life insurance. Farmers insurance isn’t just about farms or only for farmers. It’s for people who are looking for an agency that understands and has your best interests at heart.